2023 Gold

KOTA pudding

Ono youkeijyo/Satoyama labo (Hokkaido)

This is the ultimate pudding produced by Satoyama Labo, a directly managed shop of a poultry farm in Hokkaido that raises pure domestic chickens at a cage-free farm and produces eggs that are handled with the utmost care.
It is said that the taste of eggs is affected by the feed hens are fed. At Satoyama Labo poultry farm, the company feeds hens only domestically produced food, as much as possible from Hokkaido, without using any chemicals or additives. The company feeds them cheese, butter, natto (fermented soybeans), tofu and Ezo deer meat made from Hokkaido ingredients, as well as plenty of seasonal vegetables in partnership with local farmers. The chicken coops are made of southern Hokkaido cedar and Aomori cypress, and milk and cream are also produced in Hokkaido. The hens listen to classical music during egg-laying time, and only yolks from the eggs are used to create a rich, flavorful, melt-in-your-mouth, thick pudding.
Another special feature of the pudding is its firmness. The representative of the company, who was once a teacher at a special needs school, tasted the pudding many times with his students, who have physical disabilities, to create a pudding that can be tasted by people with disabilities, with impaired swallowing functions and with difficulty of swallowing food. Satoyama Labo provides the good taste of this nutritious sweet that was created with the wish that everyone can enjoy eating.

Ono youkeijyo/Satoyama labo (北海道七飯町)

  • Ono youkeijyo/Satoyama labo Official Instagram
2023 Gold Award
Genre: Food/Drink

Price (excluding tax) ※ Please see the latest pricing and tax information on the company's home page.

KOTA Pudding
Set of 6 JPY3,334 (excluding tax)