Nanami Series
The Nanami Series, created by GLASS STUDIO CHOHICHIYA LTD., is an original line of “Hotaru Glass” designed around the theme, “Bring Home the Ocean of Okinawa,” authentically capturing the seas of various locations across Okinawa. This collection features seven distinct ocean hues inspired by Okinawa’s beautiful coastal regions, including the “Kerama Blue” from the coral-rich diving paradise of the Kerama Islands, as well as “Motobu Blue,” “Onna Blue,” “Miyako Blue,” and “Nakijin Blue.” Established by glass artisan Chohichi Sakamoto in Nara in 2007, the studio moved its base to Okinawa in 2008, where it began producing and selling glass accessories. Recognized for its advanced craftsmanship, the studio became the first in Okinawa in 2012 to produce Hotaru Glass as a locally-made product. In 2015, they pioneered a variety of color tones inspired by Okinawa’s ocean, which led to the birth of the Nanami Series. In 2020, the Sangwa Pendant and Scissors Cut Pendant from the Nanami Series were selected as Okinawa Prefecture’s recommended local specialty products. The Nanami Series is meticulously crafted to evoke the vivid colors of Okinawa’s oceans, allowing cherished memories of Okinawa to be relived upon returning home. Only pieces that meet exacting standards for color, shape, and brilliance are selected, with a design that incorporates Okinawa’s signature Bingata-inspired motif for an authentic touch. We hope that, as a memento of your journey or as a special gift, you can feel the essence of Okinawa through Chohichiya’s accessories.
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Genre: Interior/Fashion
■Color (7 colors)
・Nakijin Blue
・Motobu Blue
・Woman Blue
・Yomitan Blue
・Kerama Blue
・Miyako Blue
・Yaeyama Blue
■Price(excluding tax)
・Necklace: 2,600 yen~
・Pierced earrings: 2,400 yen~
・Earrings: 3,200 yen~
・Bracelet: 2,800 yen~
・Other accessories: 3,400 yen~
・Silver925 item: 6,600 yen ~
・14KGF items: 7,700 yen ~
※ Please see the latest pricing and tax information on the company's home page.