2023 Gold

Joutaichi Zenkoji Koshi White Miso


Made with carefully selected domestic ingredients, this white miso features the unique saltiness of Shinshu Miso, the sweetness of koji (a fungus used for making miso) and the umami of soybeans. Koshi miso is a type of ground miso in which the beans and koji are completely ground down. As such, the miso can be dissolved without the use of a strainer, making it easy to use. The smooth texture and mild flavor go well with all kinds of ingredients and since the miso retains its taste even after simmering, it is perfect for miso soup and tonjiru containing a lot of ingredients as well as a host of other dishes.
The product was made by TANAKA TOKUBEI SHOUTEN, which recently celebrated its 150th anniversary. This company has shifted from miso manufacturer and marketer to specialist miso wholesaler with the mission of introducing delicious miso from around Japan to as many people as possible based on the motto of delivering miso with a discerning flavor to everyone’s table. It has also embarked on a retail business to make miso more accessible since it is such a staple of the Japanese diet. Various types of miso from throughout the country are available and sold by weight as in days gone by. Miso is attracting attention outside of Japan as a fermented food, so the company views this as an opportunity to further popularize this traditional Japanese food and increase the understanding of Japanese cuisine.


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2023 Gold Award
Genre: Food/Drink


100 g

Price (excluding tax) ※ Please see the latest pricing and tax information on the company's home page.

JPY380 (excluding tax)