2022 Consecutive

Noufuku Apple Juice

With Farm Co., Ltd. (Nagano)

“Noufuku” is a cooperation between agriculture and welfare sectors to encourage people with disabilities to participate in agriculture to promote sustainable and symbiotic society. This apple juice is produced from Noufulu apples in which people with disabilities were involved in the production process; as of today, it is the only Noufuku JAS-certified apple juice. While the agriculture sector is facing labor shortage and farmland maintenance problems, the welfare sector aims to increase wages for workers with disabilities who have fewer employment opportunities. Under such circumstances, With Farm Co., Ltd. was established through agriculture-welfare cooperation in an effort to build a win-win relationship through cultivation of crops. It is said that the agriculture-welfare initiative can contribute to 10 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). From simple tasks like grass cutting to those that require experience such as fruit thinning, a wide variety of tasks are carried out by a diverse group of people to support community integration and participation for individuals with disabilities. The company hopes that by delivering the delicious flavors of the apple juice together with the backstory behind the production that conveys the amazing abilities of the people with disabilities would enhance the value of the product, making it a rewarding experience for the workers.

With Farm Co., Ltd. (長野県松川町)

  • With Farm Co., Ltd. Official Facebook
2022 Consecutive Awards
Genre: Food/Drink
Award winner for two consecutive years from 2021 to 2022


Three kinds:
– Sun Tsugaru apple
– Orin apple
– Sun Fuji apple


1 L

Price (excluding tax) ※ Please see the latest pricing and tax information on the company's home page.

2 bottles JPY1,852
3 bottles JPY2,639
6 bottles JPY5,000
(All excluding tax)