UMAMI COLA Inc. (Tokyo)

Developed based on the concept of preventive medicine that aims to prevent sickness before it happens by promoting health and well-being, the additive-free UMAMI COLA that uses amazake as a base is one of the healthiest cola drinks in the world. Amazake, or sweet sake made from rice malt (koji), is Japan’s traditional fermented drink sometimes referred to as “drinkable intravenous fluids” and “beauty drink” for its incredible nutritious benefits. The koji amazake used as a base is made 100% from domestic rice malt, which is produced through a traditional method by a well-established brewer boasting 100-year history. Then, over 10 kinds of herbs and spices such as tulsi herb that is traditionally known abroad as the elixir of eternal youth and longevity as well as elderflower referred to as a “complete medicine chest” were blended at an optimal balance between taste and health benefits. As for the citrus flavor, which is an essential element in cola drinks, Okinawa’s shekwasha citrus said to be a great contributor to longevity is used. The product is named UMAMI as koji amazake contains glutamic acid that provides the umami taste while is also a Japanese term known worldwide. UMAMI COLA conveys the hope of the company to share Japan’s unique fermented food culture through a very familiar drink to the world.

UMAMI COLA Inc. (Tokyo)

2021 Award
Genre: Food/Drink


Two types
M 250 ml
L 720 ml

Price (excluding tax) ※ Please see the latest pricing and tax information on the company's home page.

M JPY1,620
L JPY3,148
(All excluding tax)