This series of jacquard-woven towels hails from Imabari City in Ehime Prefecture, Japan’s leading towel production center. The design represents the crashing waves of nearby Kurushima Strait, a turbulent channel with whirlpools and rapids. Skilled craftspeople weave each towel with care using a combination of two Japan-produced pile yards. The towels come in a luxurious wooden box, making them a perfect housewarming gift.
Genre: Daily necessities
Bath towel
Face towel
Wash towel
Price (excluding tax) ※ Please see the latest pricing and tax information on the company's home page.
JPY1,000 – JPY10,000
Face towel JPY1,000
A set of face and wash towels (one each) JPY1,500
A set of two face towels JPY2,000
A set of two face towels and one wash towel JPY2,500
A set of bath and wash towels (one each) JPY3,000
A set of bath and face towels (one each) JPY3,500
A set of bath, face and wash towels (one each) JPY4,000
A set of two bath towels JPY5,000
A set of bath, face and wash towels (two each) JPY8,000
A set of three bath towels, two face towels and one wash towel JPY10,000
(All excluding tax)