cobon marvel

Daiichikobo corporation (Shizuoka)

Hailing from Izu, Shizuoka prefecture, cobon is an established brand of natural yeast drinks. The cobon marvel contains various healthy ingredients, including a unique group of yeasts developed through technology acquired over the years, as well as the enzymes and minerals they produce, and vitamins. This additive-free drink is great for all ages. It is also lately becoming a hit with famous models, actresses and beauty experts across Japan.

Daiichikobo corporation (Shizuoka)

2019 Award
Genre: Food/Drink
Award winner for two consecutive years from 2018 to 2019


cobon marvel N140:140ml
cobon marvel N525:525ml

Price (excluding tax) ※ Please see the latest pricing and tax information on the company's home page.

cobon marvel N140:JPY1,900
cobon marvel N525:JPY4,800
*All excluding tax