Mahugu pickled in Daiginjo-sakekasu

Hujifoods Co.,Ltd. (Yamaguchi)

Mafuku pickled in Daiginjo-sakekasu was produced to let people more easily enjoy puffer fish, which is considered a luxury food that is served in a limited number of ways. Made in Shimonoseki city in Yamaguchi Prefecture — known as the puffer fish capital — the product is prepared in an innovative way by pickling puffer fish in sake lees (a byproduct in making sake) and miso. The secret of its reasonable price lies in the type of puffer fish. Instead of torafugu, mafuku caught in Shimonoseki that can be obtained at a lower price. The pickling paste for flavoring the fish is made with local ingredients: sake lees from the prefecture’s representative Gokyo daiginjo sake is blended into additive-free rice-miso produced by Akama Jozo, a brewery established 170 years ago in Shimonoseki. It lets you enjoy the fluffy, soft texture of the fish as well as the flavor and sweet taste unique to sake lees. Produced in the home of puffer fish, this product delivers a new flavor sensation to the dining table.

Hujifoods Co.,Ltd. (Yamaguchi)

2018 Award
Genre: Food/Drink



Price (excluding tax) ※ Please see the latest pricing and tax information on the company's home page.

Gift set JPY4,000 (excluding tax)
*Direct purchase from producer including shipping fee: JPY5,000