Savon de Siesta

Savon de Siesta Inc. (Hokkaido)

Savon de Siesta is a bar soap made with natural ingredients from Hokkaido such as lavender, adzuki beans and white birch. With top priority on producing soaps that are gentle to skin, each soap takes over a month to make using a cold process method (air-drying) that is over 1,000 years old. The soap is made with glycerin, which is an excellent moisturizer that leaves your skin hydrated and prevents that dry, tight feeling. There are also seasonal soaps made using seasonal ingredients. The soaps are only sold through face-to-face transactions, so buyers can feel confident knowing the person who made their soap. This item was developed giving full consideration to the users’ skin, all the way from the raw ingredients to the sales methods.

Savon de Siesta Inc. (Hokkaido)

2017 Award
Genre: Daily necessities


Marseille, Lavender, Azuki, Goat’s milk, White birch, Two Honey, Yukihada, Honey

Price (excluding tax) ※ Please see the latest pricing and tax information on the company's home page.

From JPY1,000 (excluding tax)