2017 Gold

Wakayama chocolat

Specified Nonprofit CorporationJOY・COM (Wakayama)

Wakayama chocolat is made using Wakayama’s local specialties by the members at the facility that provides job assistance to people with disabilities run by a NPO. Product development is conducted by a professional who had worked in chocolatiers while people with disabilities are engaged in the production of the chocolates. In this way, these delicious, high quality chocolates with unique flavors are brought to life. Blended abundantly with local ingredients such as “Budo Shansho (Japanese pepper),” “Kishu Nanko Ume (plum)” and “Yuasa Shoyu (soy sauce),” Wayakama chocolat offers distinct flavors only found in Wakayama. A bite-sized Bonbon chocolat lets you enjoy different flavors while Orangette is made with a variety of citrus fruits. These chocolates filled with local ingredients are created through a unique approach, and they are a product to share with the world with confidence.

Specified Nonprofit CorporationJOY・COM (Wakayama)

2017 Gold Award
Genre: Food/Drink

Price (excluding tax) ※ Please see the latest pricing and tax information on the company's home page.

Gift Box JPY2,300
One piece JPY100~300
(All excluding tax)