2017 Gold

green brewing


“Green brewing” is a style of brewing Japanese green tea inspired by baristas who use a hand drip technique to extract the green tea, a technique that makes for maximum enjoyment. The use of a dripper specialized to extract the green tea allows you to adjust the way the hot water is poured as well as the steaming time. This method allows for both a distinct aroma and visual stimulation that can be enjoyed, very differently from standard green tea in a pot. Japanese green tea is a delicate drink, and its flavors differ depending on the water temperature, the way it is poured, and the steaming time – even if the same type of tea leaves are used. By using a slow hand drip style as is done with coffee, we offer an opportunity for both the host and the guest to have a conversation about the tea while it is being prepared, which we believe is a perfect example of the tradition of omotenashi.


2017 Gold Award
Genre: Food/Drink